Monday, October 18, 2010

don't mess with the dog

We attended Trey's Great-Grandma and Grandpa Farm's 60th wedding anniversary party this weekend. I had packed an assortment of toys in Trey's bag (as a side note, once I got to the party and opened the bag, I saw that Trey had also packed some toys- 1 ball and two hammers) and he had also brought his beloved dog "Puppy" along.

Puppy is a small chihuahua that was sent to him by his Great-Grandma Hazel. Puppy is about 4 inches high and if you turn him on he makes a yipping noise and walks. Puppy gets lots of Trey snuggles, Puppy gets covered in blankets, and Puppy has even gotten some milk poured on his mouth; Trey. Loves. HIS. Puppy.

While at the party, he was off playing with his sweet cousin Blake in front of the table we were sitting at. His older cousin Carsten saw Puppy sitting on the table and decided to turn Puppy on. Blinn and I watched as Trey popped up from his spot on the floor and with his little brow furrowed, hustle over to Carsten. He shook his finger at Carsten and said "DON'T. MINE". Carsten looked a bit shocked at begin told what's up by a 20 month old, but the message was received. Puppy is Trey's.

close, but no cigar

Trey attends Soccer Tots practice every Saturday. Heavy on the parent participation, singing, and running; light on legit soccer skills- we all LOVE it! Saturday morning s were the only day with a time that worked for schedule, so Trey's "playing up" in the 24-36 month group (as of Oct. 15, he's 20 months).

A couple of "practices" (heh) ago the coach was handing out colored balls for the kids to use in the next drill. Our awesome Coach Shareene asked the two children before Trey what color was their ball prior to her giving it to them. Anthony responded "red", JP responded "green", and then next in line was Trey. Coach grabbed a blue ball and asked "what color is this Trey"?

Trey, with arms outstretched confidently answered "MINE".