Monday, August 20, 2012

keep up with me, alright?

We were up at Grandpa Mike's shop after Trey's day of harvest on Saturday.  The night before, he had gotten to park the combine with Grandpa Mike as we arrived late, and then he went to the shop to sit around with the guys and enjoy a grape pop while they enjoyed their "barley pop" (as my Grandpa Kenny would've said). 

He had told his Dad the minute he was back at the house that he wanted to go over to the shop and "wait for the guys". We told him that they wouldn't be there for an hour or more, so we can just hang out, ride bikes and wait a bit longer to head over.

Trey didn't like that explanation.  He told his Daddy and I (with his serious face and numerous hand gestures):

"Okay, so guys we can go over to the shop, and then the guys will all come in, and then we'll be there waiting.  Does that make sense"?

early to rise, early in the sack

After a full 9+ hours on the combine with his Grandpa Mike, Trey was finishing up his supper and announced to his dad and I:

"Tomorrow we're gonna wake up, we're gonna eat breakfast, and then we're going TO HARVEST"!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

master manipulator

Trey said to his Grammie,
"Grammie, call my Mommie and tell her that Cokie doesn't have sugar in it". 
And she did.